Tuesday 23 September 2014

Vathal Kulambu - Sundaikai vathal kulambu

Vathal or vatral are nothing but sundried vegetables. The one in this recipe is sundaikai. My mom taught me how to make this sundaikai vathal which i will post later. You will also get this vathal in stores. It is an authentic south Indian speciality dish. You can also do it with manathakkali vathal or other mithukku vathals.

The recipe here is without onion and ginger garlic paste. But you can also do it adding this onion. Now a days we also get vathal kulambu powder in stores, but i grind it myself. You can store this powder as to use it later.

Usually served with white rice and papad. Sundaikai is rich in Iron and help clean the tummy from worms. Taking this vathal weekly once is very good. Specially bachelors should have it, because of their fast food habit.


Sundaikai vathal - 3- 4 tsp
Red chili - 2
Tamarind - Lemon size
Turmeric powder
Curry leaves - 1 spring
Salt as required

To make vathal kulambu powder:

Vathal - 6
Coriander seed - 2 tsp
Fenugreek - 2 tsp
Pepper corns - 1 tsp
Urud dhal - 1 tsp
Mustard - 1 tsp
Rice - 1 tsp


1) Soak tamarind in warm water, extract the juice and keep it. Throw the pulp.

2) In a pan dry roast all the ingredients. (vathal, coriander, fenugreek, pepper, urud dhal and rice)

3) Grind well to a fine powder.

4) Heat enough oil in a heavy bottom pan. (I do it in kadai).

5) Fry the vathal (sundaikai),
red chili and to this add tamarind juice and let it boil.
6) Add required salt, turmeric powder and grind vathal kulambu powder (2 tsp). Let it boil for 5 mins or until the raw smell of tamarind go away.

7) Put in simmer for another 2 - 3 mins to allow oil to make a top layer.

8) Serve hot with white rice.


1) Vathal will have salt so be cautious while adding salt to this recipe.

2) You can avoid grinding rice if you don't like it.

3) Try manathakkali vathal or other vathal types instead of sundaikai.

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