Tuesday 2 September 2014

Kara bhoondhi

Kara bhoondhi is an addictive snack. It is spicy and crispy. Most of the Indian home will have this kara bhoondhi bought from stores, but i do it at home. Bhoondhi can be made spicy or as sweet. The recipe here is the spicy one. I like to take it with rasam or butter milk. Please try this combination and you will also fall in love with the taste.

My mom do this on Diwali for mixture. I grew seeing my mom preparing all snack variety at home, so i am not interested in buying savory from stores. This requires very less time. If bhoondhi is ready at home, i will not go in search for any other snack to go with coffee.

My dad use to bet me to eat bhoondhi one at a time. But one can't do it as it tends to take a handful and eat at a time. Its hard for me to resist my hand from taking handful. The crispiness stays for days if we mix ingredients in the correct ratio. It needs a special ladle to make bhoondhi. It has equal sized holes in it so that the batter leaves the ladle in a round shape. Let us start to make it...


Kadala mavu/ Gram flour - 1 cup
Rice flour - 2 tbsp
Chilli powder - 2 tsp
Hing - pinch
Baking soda/ Cooking soda - pinch
Curry leaves - 1 spring
Salt as required
Oil for frying
Water to make batter.


1) Combine both flour, hing, baking or cooking soda and sieve it to remove any fine impurities.

2) Take it in a bowl, add chili powder, salt and mix well with adding water little by little to it.

3) Mix it to a dosa batter consistency. Should be a smooth batter with no lumps.

4) Heat oil in a pan. You may need 2 ladle one for making bhoondhi and another to remove it from oil.

5) Hold the bhoondhi making ladle in left hand over hot oil and just pour 2 tbsp of batter using your right hand on to the ladle in left hand.

6) As soon as you pour, you may see drops dripping into oil. Just tap the ladle in left hand using the one in right hand. Wipe of the ladle every time and keep it aside.

7) Maintain the heat constantly (medium). Fry till oil sound subsides. Use the second ladle to drain bhoondhi once done. Transfer it to a kitchen towel to drain excess oil.

8) Repeat the steps with the batter again. Bhoondhi should be slightly golden yellow.

9) In another pan add 1 tsp of oil and heat it. Add curry leaves, deep fry and add it to the bhoondhi.

10) Store it in airtight container for days.

Will post the mixture recipe soon....


1) If you want to make this bhoondhi more spicy then toss it finally with a tsp of chili powder.

2) If the batter is thick you will get bhoondhi with tail. To avoid it add a little water, may be 2 tsp.

3) If the batter is too thin or watery, then your bhoondhi will fall flat and not round. So add little gram flour (2 tsp) and mix well.

4) Make sure the oil is hot enough. Should maintain same temperature through out the process.

5) I do not like ground nut in bhoondhi so i did not add. if you like, fry them when you fry curry leaves and add it.

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