Tuesday 9 September 2014

Ulundhu vada / Medhu vadai

Ulundhu vadai/ medhu vadai is the best combo for pongal. Whenever i do pongal my first thing to do is soak a cup of urud dhal. It is easy to make, crispy and also soft inside and not to forget a hole in the center. It is purely a southindian dish.

Initialy it was a little mess and i find it hard to get perfect shape with perfect hole in the center. Now i got used and doing it in good shape. The taste and crispiness depends on how you grind urud dhal.

Mostly in all hotel if you order pongal it will be served with this vadai sambar and chutney. Here i tried to explain the way to make vada as i do not have step by step picture because i took it myself while doing vada. This recipe is on special request from one of my friend Smitha.


urud dhal - 1 cup
Onions - 10 - 15 shallots.
Green chilies - 2 nos (chopped)
Black peppercorns - 1 tsp (crushed)
Curry leaves - 1 spring
Salt as required
Water as required
Oil to deep fry


1) Wash and soak urud dhal for atleast 1 hr to maximum 4 hrs. I usually soak it 3 hrs.

2) Grind urud dhal with only little water. Batter should not be thin. I use grinder for better result.

3) Just sprinkle water now and then while grinding. To get a fluffy white batter it need to grind 15 mins.

4) Transfer batter into a bowl. Add chopped onions, green chilies, curry leaves, salt and mix well.

5) Heat enough oil in a pan and heat. Maintain the temperature evenly to get crispy vadas.

6) Now take a tennis ball sized batter in your right hand (wet your hand before this step) and with your thumb make a hole in the center.

7) Now drop the batter in your hand into oil. It should slide down and you should not push it into oil.

8) In medium flame fry vadas on both sides until golden brown. Serve hot with coconut chutney.


1) Use urud dhal without skin for better result.

2) You may need 1/4 to 1/2 cup water to grind 1 cup urud dhal. So make sure you add little by little while grinding.

3) You can even add salt while grinding.

4) To check the correct batter consistency, drop a drop of batter into water in a cup. The batter should float perfectly and should not dissolve or settle to the bottom.

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