Friday 30 May 2014

Brinjal and Capsicum Curry (with msala)

Brinjal or Eggpant is native to the Indian Subcontinent. There are different varieties of different sizes, shapes and color. Brinjal becomes tender when cooked and develop a rich flavor. It is low in fat.

This is my mom's recipe. She do a lot of varieties with brinjal. I love it all. One of my favourite is this brinjal and capsicum recipe. This goes well with dhal. If you add spicy to this recipe, you can match it with chapathi/ paratha. This both vegetable together make a nice pair.


Brinjal/ Eggplant - 1 medium
Capsicum - 1 ( Sliced)
Onion - 1 chopped
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Mustard seed - 1/4 tsp
Urud dhal - 1/4 tsp
Salt - As required

To Grind:
Channa dhal - 2 tsp
Cumin seeds - 1 tsp
Red chili - 2 nos
Coconut - 1 slice chpped
Pepper corns - 1 tsp


1) Heat a pan with 1 tsp oil. Add cumin seeds and allow it to splatter. Then add channa dhal, red chili, coconut and pepper corns. Saute it for 1 min.

2) Allow it to cool and grind into a fine paste. Add water very little while grinding.

3) In a pan heat 3 tsp oil, add mustard and urud dhal, once splattered add chopped onions and saute it until onions become glossy. Add ginger garlic paste and saute it for another 1 min.

4) Now add turmeric powder, chopped brinjal and capsicum. Mix well. Close and cook for 5 mins.

5) Capsicum has water content in it. After 5 min you can see brinjal and capsicum half cooked with the water.

6) Add required salt, and cook for another 2 mins. Now add the grind paste, and mix well.

7) Close it with lid, let it cook for 5 mins. After 5 mins masala will be well mixed with brinjal and capsicum.

8) Add chopped coriander leaves, garnish and serve. Yummy delicious brinjal and capsicum curry is ready.....


1) If you are using Indian brinjal, then chop 3 - 4 brinjal (medium size).

2) Do not chop brinjal or capsicum finely. Make it medium size.

3) If you like to store this dish for another day, do not add coconut while grinding.

4) Adjust the amount of pepper corns based on your spice level.

5) If pressure cooking, just wait until 1 whistle and put in simmer for 5 mins.

6) You can also do it without grind masala. Add cumin powder and chili powder for spicy while cooking.

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Thursday 22 May 2014

Mint rice/ Puthina Rice

Hi all, this recipe is my favourite. I like the aroma of mint. Mint is a aromatic, herb. Mints are easily grown around your home. It grows even in full sun. In stores, it is available in all forms like fresh leaves, dry powders or mint paste. Making this recipe with fresh mint gives a special aroma and flavor. It is best to give it in kids lunch box. Because of the color kids love to eat.

Mint is also a medicinal herb. It is good for stomachache and helps in for a good deep sleep. It is good for summer.


Basmati Rice - 1 cup
Mint leaves - 1 cup full
green chili - 2 (adjust to your spice level)
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tsp
Jeera - 1 tsp
Cloves - 3
Cinnamon stick - 1 inch
Curry leaves
Coriander - to season
Water - 1 1/2 cup


1) Soak 1 cup of basmati rice for 30 mins.

2) Wash mint leaves thoroughly. Grind it to a paste.

3) In a cooker heat 2 tsp oil, once heated splatter jeera, cloves and cinnamon stick. Add theginger garlic paste and mint paste to it and saute it for 5 mins or until you get the mint flavor (raw smell should go off). Mix well and add salt required for mint.

4) To this mixture add the soaked basmati rice with measured cups of water (1 1/2 cup). Now add required salt for rice alone as salt for mint is already added.

5) Let it boil in medium heat until you get the first bubble. At this point you will notice that water content is reduced and rice is well mixed (coated) with mint.

5) Close the lid and pressure cook it for 1 whistle. Then put the heat to simmer and leave for 5 mins.

6) After 5 mins remove from heat and keep it aside till pressure is all released.

7) In a small pan heat oil and splatter curry leaves and mix it with rice. Season with chopped coriander leaves.

Method 2

There is another way of preparing this rice. You can saute the mint paste separately, prepare rice separately and mix it together. The picture i have shown here is made as of method 1.


1) You can add chopped onions while sauteing mint paste. Also add peas while cooking rice if you like.

2) Can also season with roasted cashew to enrich the flavor. Or replace it with peanuts.

3) Adding hand-full coriander leaves while grinding mint, adds extra flavor.

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Tuesday 20 May 2014

Dry methi Paratha (chapathi)

Dry Methi leaves or Fenugreek leaves is used as herb either as fresh leaves or as dry leaves. It is a good source of Iron and Calcium. It is good for Diabetic patients. It cooks soon. Generally eating leafy vegetables for dinner is not good for children under 10. Sometime it might not digest properly. So I use dry leaves.

A question that haunts me every evening is, What do I make for Dinner? My family loves variety. I thought of doing Methi paratha, which is healthy, colorful, tasty and different.

Methi paratha or chapathi can be made with both fresh leaves and dry leaves. I have given both the procedures. But the picture shown is made with dry leaves. Chapathi can be made with either wheat flour or with Maida (all purpose flour). Than Maida, wheat is good for health, as we make this dish for health reason will make it more healthy with wheat flour.

Procedure 1:
Methi Paratha (Dry leaves)


Wheat flour - 2 cups
Dry methi Leaves - 2 tsp (bought it from store)
Salt - As required
Sugar - 1/4 tsp
Oil - 1 tsp
Water to knead.


1) In a bowl take measured amount of wheat flour, methi leaves, salt, sugar and oil.

2) Mix well, to this mixture add water little by little and knead to make a soft dough.

3) Keep it aside for 15 mins covered with a damp cloth. Make balls of your desired size.

4) Roll the balls with rolling pin evenly on all sides. Should not be too thick or too thin.

5) Heat skillet on medium heat. Cook each rolled paratha separately.

6) When bubbles start emerging on one side flip the paratha and spread little oil. Let it cook for a minute.

7) Once done on both sides transfer to serving plate.

8) Best when hot. North Indians love to pair it with Curd. It goes well with any spicy side dish.

Procedure 2: 
Methi paratha (Fresh Leaves)


Wheat flour - 2 cups
Fresh methi leaves - 1 cup
Salt - As required
Sugar - 1/4 tsp
Water to knead


As i said earlier, doing with fresh leaves do not digest so easily. So should cook the leaves first. But also can do it as such by washing and adding it to the flour.

If you want to use the leaves cooked, follow this procedure. In a pan heat oil in medium, allow jeera to splatter. Then add ginger garlic paste and saute it. The flavor should go off. Now add fresh leaves either chopped or as whole and mix well. Cook for 3 - 5 mins. Generally leafy vegetables have water content in them, so no need to add water. Once cooked well keep it aside to cool.

To the cool methi mixture add wheat flour required salt and knead as procedure 1. Rest is the same as procedure 1.


1) If you are using fresh leaves, do not over cook which makes the leaves mushy.

2) Adding sugar allows to retain the methi leaves color. Also enhances the flavor.

3) Knead the dough for 5 mins to get soft parathas.

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Friday 16 May 2014

Home made Arisi flour (for all arisi flour recipes)

Rice flour is made from pacharisi (type of rice). It is one of the foundation ingredient. If any one in your house is in gluten free diet, this flour should be in your kitchen. Recipes like murukku, idiyappam, kolukattai and so many are made of this rice flour. It is cost effective when made in home.

Sunday 11 May 2014

Macaroni Masala with Tuna (fish) / Pasta Masala with Tuna

Macaroni is a variety of pasta made of wheat without egg. Macaroni is famous as Italian dish. Macaroni come in different shapes. Here i use comma shaped macaroni. Macaroni with cheese is known variety of making it. Here we see, how to do it spicy with a touch of Indian flavor. Its a fusion of Italian and Indian spicy masala.

Bored of chapati and other regular dinners, try this. It has high protein and because of its different shapes, kids love to eat. The dish is suitable for dinner and some like to have it in morning. On a get together, this will be a sure hit. I do it weekly once. I am Non veg so i added tuna (type of fish). This is a Non veg version of how i do this Macaroni masala (Pasta masala)


Macaroni/ Pasta - 1 cup (uncooked)
Tuna fish - 200gms
Onion (big) - 1 chopped
Tomato - 1 chopped
Green chili - 3 chopped
Garam Masala - 1 tsp
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tsp
Spring onions / coriander - garnish
Oil as required


Tuna fish preparation:

A) With fresh fish

1) Clean the fish and cut into medium piece and boil in water for 10 - 15 mins with little salt.

2) Once boiled, drain the water and let it cool for 5 mins.

3) Crumble the pieces.

B) In departmental stores we get tuna in water, which is been processed  packed and ready to use. You will also get it with different flavors.

Macaroni and masala preparation: 

1) Boil 5 cups of water. Add macaroni, little salt. Cook for 10 mins and not more than that. Should not be overcooked.

2) After 10 mins, drain the water and keep it aside.

3) In a pan heat oil, add chopped onions, little salt and saute it for 1 min.

4) Now add ginger garlic paste, chopped green chili and saute it another 1 min, to this add chopped tomatoes, garam masala. Cover and cook for 5 mins.

5) To this add processed/ cooked tuna , required salt. Mix well the masala and tuna.

6) Cover and cook for another 5 mins in low heat/ flame.

7) Finally to the tuna masala add boiled pasta/ macaroni and mix gently.( masala should mix well with pasta)

8) Turn out the heat and garnish with chopped spring onions.

9) Serve hot.


1) If you are doing with fresh fish, you can use any type.

2) If you like tomato ketchup replace it with tomatoes. ( too much ketchup gives a tangy taste)

3) Should not boil macaroni or pasta more than 10 mins. if so it becomes mushy. Better to read the instructions in the package. ( each variety have different timings). And also make sure it is not under cooked.

4) Well cooked pasta will be soft and flexible.

5) Can add chopped capsicum for flavor and colour.

6) Sprinkle pepper powder if you wish.

7) Its very important to serve hot.

8) Replace tuna with Egg. Do egg fry separately and mix it.  Name it as Egg Macaroni masala

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Tuesday 6 May 2014

Onion Chutney

Onion chutney is one of my favourite side dish for idly, dosa varieties. It is a south Indian dish. I too like to pair it up with upma as i do not like sugar. My friend like it with appam. So you can pair with anything.

From all usual coconut and tomato chutney this is a little different, done with onions. This is good for diabetic patients. Small onions ( pearl onions) are low in fat and lightens balance of the blood.

Pearl/ small onions have a special taste, but you can also use big onions. If your kids not like this chutney and if they are fond of tomato chutney then just add 1/2 tomato to this when you grind. Here am not using tomato.


Small Onions - 1 cup peeled.
Red chillies - 5 nos
Tamarind - small gooseberry size (1/4 tsp paste)
Channa dhal/ urud dhal - 1 tsp
Mustard seed - 1 tsp
salt - As required

Method :

1) Heat a pan with 2 tsp oil. Add mustard seeds, once splattered add dhal and red chilli. Once it turns golden brown add onions.

2) Onion should turn shinny on the outside. Now add tamarind and turn off the heat. Keep it aside and let it cool for 5 mins.

3) Now grind the mixture with required salt. Mostly no need to add water but if you need add little.

4) Grind until smooth paste.

5) Heat oil in a pan, splatter mustard seed and curry leaves. Add grind paste. Let the flame in simmer.

6) Oil starts to ooze out. At this point turn off the heat and transfer to a serving plate.

7) Delicious Onion chutney ready.


1) You can store it. Should not place spoon while storing.

2) You can also use big onions in place of small onions.

3) Adding garlic is optional. If added it adds flavor.

4) If kids do not like this chutney add 1/2 tomato while grinding.

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Thursday 1 May 2014

Oats Kolukattai/ Steamed Oats Dumpling

Kolukattai is a Indian dish which is steamed and served hot. There are too many varieties of doing kolukattai. Kids love kolukattai because of its shape and taste. So lets add something healthy for their after school snack.

Anything done with oats is good for health. This is good for diabetics people and who are in diet. Any one can eat oats as this has a specific type of fiber which is very good for health. People may be tired of eating oats just with milk. Lets add some flavor to it. It is a tasty and healthy food which you can have in morning or even as evening snack.

Oats have many nutritional values. Oats is good to reduce cholesterol. People who hate oats also will fall in love for this kolukattai. Until you say it is made of oats, no one can find it. So lets surprise kids and guest with this delicious food.

Preparation Time

Preparation - 5 mins
Steaming - 10 mins


Oats - 1 cup (rolled/ powdered)
Mustard seeds - 1 tsp
Urud dhal - 1 tsp
Curry leaves - 1 spring
Hing - Pinch
Water - 1/4 cup
Salt to taste
Grated coconut - 1/4 cup (optional)
Oil to temper


1) Heat a pan, add 2 - 3 tsp oil, once heated add mustard, urud dhal, curry leaves, hing and let it splatter.

2) To this add oats, mix well. At this point you can add coconut if desired. Add salt as required and water little by little.

3) Put out the flame and let it cool for 2 - 3 mins. If the oat mixture is little stick, it is the correct stage to make kolukattai.

4) Take a small lemon sized ball of the mixture in your palm and press evenly with your four fingers.

5) Lay all of them in idly plates and steam for 10 mins.

6) Serve hot for good taste.


1) Add water little by little or it will become mushy.

2) I use old fashioned Quaker oats. If using different type of oats check while adding water.

3) Should not keep kolukattai open after steaming.

4) You can also add vegetables (carrot, beans - chopped) to add flavor and color.

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