Thursday 10 April 2014

Seppankilangu Curry / Fry (Arbi fry)

Seppankilangu or Arbi is Indian vegetable dry recipe.It is one of my favourite side dish for curd rice. I like the combination very much. Some also do kulambu with arbi. Here am showing you how i do a type of fry arbi.

I usualy see this arbi roast in many marriages or receptions as this is more attracted by people. It is low in fat and protein. One should notice few things while buying seppankilangu / Arbi. Select medium size with no cracks and dark spots.

I know only Arbi roast, where we deep fry arbi with masal. But i wanted to do it a little different and tried this, which turned out delicious. My mother is good in doing Arbi roast, i use to take this to school, where i never got a single piece to taste. My friends die for this, my mom's special.

Seppankilangu / Arbi - 7-8 medium sized
Salt to taste
Chilly powder - 2 tsp
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Cumin powder - 1 tsp
Pepper powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Hing - pinch
Curry leaves
Oil - fry
Coriander leaves - Garnishing

1) Wash and clean arbi. Microwave or cook in boiling water for 5-6 mins. To check arbi it is cooked just insert fork into arbi. Ir should pass through with no hard.

2) Drain the water, add fresh water to it and keep it aside for 5 mins. You will notice arbi's skin loosen. It is the perfect time to peel off the skin.

3) You can use it as whole arbi or cut into small pieces. Here i cut arbi into small rounds not too thin or too thick.

4) Heat oil in a pan. With not adding any masal or salt just fry arbi for only 1 or 2 mins.

5) Drain excess oil in tissue paper. Let it cool for 5 mins.

6) Add chilli, coriander, cumin, pepper, turmeric and hing to half roasted arbi's and let it marinate for 20 - 30 mins.

7)In a pan take 2 or 3 tsp oil. add mustard seeds and urud dhal. Once splattered add curry leaves and marinated arbi's.

8) Toss it frequently, cook in medium or sim. You will notice the change in colour to brown. Do not over cook or in high flame.


1) Do not over cook in hot water. If so the skin gets sticky and you will not get shape while you cut.

2) Do not fry in oil more than 2 mins as this makes it crispier and will not take the flavor you add later.

3) Onion can be added if interested. But i like the plain arbi's taste.

4) This recipe is not too crispy and chewy. Its a blend of both. So make sure you do the whole process in medium or sim flame.

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