Monday 28 April 2014

Aloo /Veg patties (Cutlet)

Patties or cutlet is a famous Indian snack made of aloo (potato) and vegetables. My husband felt that it reminded him of cutlet. In America you can get it in the name of Hash Browns. As it is not deep fried, it is less in cholesterol and you can add variety of vegetables. If you want to sneak in more vegetables for your little fuzzy eaters, do it. Potatoes are world favourite hence works great in this.

I cut vegetables as fine as i can and when it is mixed up with potatoes, your kids will not be eagles to pick them out. Add some spices which gives a separate flavor. It is crispy on the outside and soft and healthy inside.

One can have this as snack on a rainy day with coffee. You cant help but to love them. There are too many varities doing it. This is for veg lovers. Soon will post for Non Veggies.


Potato - 3 medium sized
Carrot - 1/4 cup (cut into small cubes)
Beans - 1/4 cup (cut into small cubes)
Onion - 1/4 cup chopped (optional)
Wheat flour - 1/4 cup
Ani seed - 1 tsp
Salt & pepper - to taste.
Chili powder - 1 tsp
Hing - pinch
Oil - shallow fry


1) Boil potato in a pan with water. After 10 to 15 mins remove potatoes and cool it. Peel the skin, smash and keep aside.

2) In a bowl take wheat flour, cut vegetables, onion (optional), ani seed, chili powder, hing, required salt & pepper. Mix well.

3) To this add smashed potatoes. Mix until well combined.

4) Make small balls (lime sized).

5) Take one ball and press it in you palm to form patties (round shape). Continue with other balls.

6) Refrigerate for about 20 mins.

7) Heat 2-3 tbsp oil in a pan (i prefer non stick). When hot add patties, 4 to 5 at a time.

8) Make sure it not stick to other patties. Cook them until golden brown and flip to the other side.

9) It takes at-least 5 mins each side. (do not cook in high heat).

10) Remove from once done and transfer it on tissue to remove excess oil.

11) Serve hot for better taste.


1) remove potatoes immediately from hot water once done. If left, absorbs water and while frying oil will splatter.

2) Can add any vegetable you wish. Should not add vegetables with high water content.

3) Fry in medium heat.

4) Refrigeration of patties before frying, to help hold mixture together.

5) Can also bake it in oven at 450 F for 5 mins. Flip the patties and bake for another 5 mins. Time varies for each oven type.

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Thursday 24 April 2014

Tandoor Chicken / Oven baked Chicken

Tandoori chicken is a Indian dish. As the chicken is done in tandoor. Why deep fry? Bake juicy and tender chicken with a tasty seasoned coating. This is very useful on those busy days when you are too busy to get something creative.

Baked chickens are the ultimate effortless budget-friendly cooking. This is definitely our healthier way of eating fried chicken. If you are planning to prepare next day, its better that you marinate chicken overnight (8 hr)


Chicken thighs - 2 lbs (5 - 6 thigh pieces)
Salt to taste
Chilli powder - 2 tsp
Turmeric powder - A pinch
Pepper powder - 1 tsp
Soy sauce - few drops (1 tsp optional)
Ginger garlic paste - 1 tsp
Lemon juice - 1 tsp
Dry cilantro - Just to sprinkle on top
Onion - to garnish
Lemon slice - to garnish
Butter/ oil spray
Baking tray


1) Remove skin, clean the chicken and should cut slits lengthwise. Each thigh should have 2 slits each side.

2) Take chicken thighs in a bowl to marinate and add salt, chilli powder, turmeric powder, pepper powder, soy sauce, ginger garlic paste and lemon juice to the chicken and mix gently.

3) Keep in refrigerator over-night (min 8 hrs).

4) 1 hr before the cooking time take out of refrigerator and bring it to room temperature.

5) Preheat oven to 425 degree F.

6) Grease the baking tray either with butter or oil spray it. Place marinated chicken thighs with evenly spaced. Sprinkle dry cilantro.

7) Bake chicken for 30 mins. Take the tray out and turn the chicken and bake for another 15 mins.

8) Serve it hot with little onion and lemon garnishing.


1) Marinating over-night is to allow chicken absorb spices in. This gives you the juiciness and also allows flavor to the center.

2) To make it crisp on the out side, you can add cheese of your wish or spray very little oil.

3) Here i used oil after flipping the pieces.

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Friday 18 April 2014

Chicken Briyani

Biriyani is a rice based dish. Hyderabadi Briyani is famous all over India. In Tamilnadu Dindigul is famous for Briyani. This originated from Muslim population, well known as Dindigul Thalappakatti briyani.

Briyani here is my mom's recipe. My mom do briyani masala at home with all spices. Have post on how to make this masala, you can find it at Basics tab in my blog. Briyani made with chicken, mutton, fish, prawn, egg or vegetables. Briyani is a special occasion recipe. Its a multi step process.

For briyani always use long grain rice, Basmati rice. Each part of India serve different briyani, mainly in taste and the spice that are added. Making this spice masala at home gives you a seperate smell and taste.

Please don't get intimidated by the long list. Most of them are spices which adds flavour. Please try to use all the ingredients.Most of the spices will be available at any supermarket or sure at Indian store.

Use only good quality Basmati rice for best taste and appearance.

This recipe will serve 3 -4 people. Lets begin the process.


Chicken - 2 lbs
Basmati rice - 2 cups
Onion - medium sized 3 chopped
Green Chilli - 2 nos
Cashewnut - 10 (fried in ghee)
Ginger garlic paste - 2 tsp
Cloves - 4 nos
Cinnamon - 1 inch  - 2 nos
Bay leaves - 2
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Cummin powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric Powder - 1/4 tsp
Chilli powder - 1 tsp (for colour and taste)
Mint paste - 2 tsp
3 tsp ghee (clarrified butter)
Salt to taste
Oil  - 3 4 tsp for frying onions.
Fresh green coriander leaves - chopped (to garnish)

Marinate :

1) Cut chicken into medium sized pieces.Wash at-least for 3 times to remove blood stains from it.

2) In a bowl marinate chicken with turmeric powder, ginger garlic paste, salt, mint paste (1 tsp), 1/2 tsp chilli powder.

3) Prepare this the previous night. Chicken should marinate for minimum 8 hours.


1) Soak Measured basmati rice in water for atleast 30 mins. Here i use 1 1/2 water for a cup of rice.

2)Initial step in making briyani is to fry onions called Barista. Slice onions as thin as you can.

3) Heat oil in a pan. Put onions in oil and fry till light brown (medium heat).

4) Keep stirring the onions so that onions evenly fry. If the onions fry in high flame then it will burn. Now the onions will be crispy. keep it aside.

5) In a pressure cooker add 2 tsp oil, ginger garlic paste, green chily, cloves, bay leaves, cinnamon stick, and saute it for 1 min.

6) To this add marinated chicken, my moms special briyani masal (method for this masala in my basic tab), red chilli powder and salt only for chicken, Now that the chicken and spices are mixed well close it with lid with small gap, gives way out for the pressure, this avoids water droplets dropping back into our mixture.

7). Cook on medium heat till water dries out. You will notice oil oozes out, at this stage add fried onions and mix well.

8) Now add water that you used to soak the rice (measured). Allow water to start boil, this is the point to add soaked rice .

9)  Let it stand for 2 to 3 mins. Once the whole thing starts to boil (chicken, water and rice mixes well ) add 2 to 3 tsp oil or ghee (as per your wish, here i add ghee) close the lid and put weight on it.

10) Wait until the first whistle in medium heat. Then put in low for exactly 5 mins.

11) Once the pressure is off transfer it to a serving bowl, add chopped fresh coriander leaves and garnish.

12) Serve it hot for best taste.

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Briyani Masala Powder

Briyani masal is a major ingredient. What ever the type of briyani it is, if you add just a tsp of this powder it gives a very good flavor and real colour to the briyani.

This is purely my moms type of blending spices. This is similar to garam masala that we buy from stores. But as it is home made you will like it more. Without this masal briyani is not it. It is very easy to prepare and you can store in a air tight container.

Thursday 10 April 2014

Seppankilangu Curry / Fry (Arbi fry)

Seppankilangu or Arbi is Indian vegetable dry recipe.It is one of my favourite side dish for curd rice. I like the combination very much. Some also do kulambu with arbi. Here am showing you how i do a type of fry arbi.

I usualy see this arbi roast in many marriages or receptions as this is more attracted by people. It is low in fat and protein. One should notice few things while buying seppankilangu / Arbi. Select medium size with no cracks and dark spots.

I know only Arbi roast, where we deep fry arbi with masal. But i wanted to do it a little different and tried this, which turned out delicious. My mother is good in doing Arbi roast, i use to take this to school, where i never got a single piece to taste. My friends die for this, my mom's special.

Seppankilangu / Arbi - 7-8 medium sized
Salt to taste
Chilly powder - 2 tsp
Coriander powder - 1 tsp
Cumin powder - 1 tsp
Pepper powder - 1 tsp
Turmeric powder - 1/4 tsp
Hing - pinch
Curry leaves
Oil - fry
Coriander leaves - Garnishing

1) Wash and clean arbi. Microwave or cook in boiling water for 5-6 mins. To check arbi it is cooked just insert fork into arbi. Ir should pass through with no hard.

2) Drain the water, add fresh water to it and keep it aside for 5 mins. You will notice arbi's skin loosen. It is the perfect time to peel off the skin.

3) You can use it as whole arbi or cut into small pieces. Here i cut arbi into small rounds not too thin or too thick.

4) Heat oil in a pan. With not adding any masal or salt just fry arbi for only 1 or 2 mins.

5) Drain excess oil in tissue paper. Let it cool for 5 mins.

6) Add chilli, coriander, cumin, pepper, turmeric and hing to half roasted arbi's and let it marinate for 20 - 30 mins.

7)In a pan take 2 or 3 tsp oil. add mustard seeds and urud dhal. Once splattered add curry leaves and marinated arbi's.

8) Toss it frequently, cook in medium or sim. You will notice the change in colour to brown. Do not over cook or in high flame.


1) Do not over cook in hot water. If so the skin gets sticky and you will not get shape while you cut.

2) Do not fry in oil more than 2 mins as this makes it crispier and will not take the flavor you add later.

3) Onion can be added if interested. But i like the plain arbi's taste.

4) This recipe is not too crispy and chewy. Its a blend of both. So make sure you do the whole process in medium or sim flame.

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Friday 4 April 2014

Naan - Indian bread

Naan - Indian Bread.

It is a south Asian food type. It has become favourite for all who likes north Indian food. Made of maida (all purpose flour).

Naans are traditionally made in tandoor, heat in tandoor is generated by charcoal or wood fire. Temperatures in this kind of real tandoor ranges from 800 - 900 F.It can also be made in our oven at home but it may not go up-to temperature that's in traditional oven.

Steps are not so easy but once its all done and while tasting it, you will feel the pleasure and will feel worth going through all this steps.Its a time consuming process but all the time you spend will make it more tastier.

Naan can be made with egg or egg-less. The recipe here is egg-less. I used yeast in place of egg to make naan so soft and pillowy.

About yeast - 

Yeasts are microorganisms. It is used as leavening agent in baking breads. Here i use dry yeast and it is rapid raise yeast. To activate dry yeast we need warm water and the temp should not exceed 140 C. And also it need some sugar to activate it.

Rapid rise yeast is a type of yeast which is of granular size. Other types of dry yeast are Instant yeast and Active dry yeast. Use of rapid rise yeast minimizes your time of preparation.

Preparation time - 2 hrs
Cooking time - 5 mins each


Maida (All purpose flour) - 3 cups
Yeast - 1 tsp
Warm water - 1 cup
Sugar - 1 tsp
Salt as required
Yogurt - 2-3 tsp (room temperature)
Clarified Butter/ Ghee - 3 tsp

Activating yeast:

1) Heat water in a bowl not exceeding 140 C. Just a warm water.

2) Add 1 tsp of sugar to the water stirr it and then add rapid raise yeast into it.

3) Close the lid and keep it aside for 15 - 30 mins.

Making Dough:

1) Take all purpose flour in a seiver with required salt and seive it 2 times to remove residues.

2) Once the yeast is risen (water becomes foamy) add clarified butter, yogurt (curd) and maida flour little by little to the water and mix well.

3) Dough for naan should be sticky and not as chapati dough. Should be really sticky. If you find dough is dry add yogurt ( curd) to make the dough sticky and the use of curd makes the dough puff more.

4) If you don't want to add more yogurt you can add warm water. Now if your dough is soft and sticky, then its ready to raise.

5) If you have oven at home place the dough in your oven by just turning your oven light on and not with temperature. Let it raise for 30 mins. If you not have oven just keep it in room temperature for 1 hr.

6) After 30 mins, you will notice that the dough is risen than the amount you kept.

7) Take out from the oven and its time to make naan balls. You will need a lot of dusting as our dough is too sticky.

8) Make balls in the size u need but not small as for chapati.

9) Again place it in oven with lights on for another 30 mins/ at room temperature for 1 hr.

10) The naan balls will again doubles its size.

11) Preheat oven to 500. Take each ball and roll with rolling pin and not too thin. it should be 1/2 inch thick. Usually naans all are of triangle shape to get it, after rolling just pull the naan from one side. Or you can fold it into a triangle and again roll it to get this shape.

12) Place rolled naan in a oven pan or plate and place it in the oven. Set timer upto 5 mins. This is on baking mode. After 5 mins change to broil at high for 3 - 5 mins.

13) Take it out and you will see some burning marks thats the way it should be. Spread butter on naan and its ready!!!! Give it a bite when its hot.

14) Can also do it in stove top if you do not have oven at home.

14) Serve it with any spicy curry and enjoy.


1) Whatever you use for Naan use it in room temperature. If you are planning to do naan take yogurt out from refrigerator and bring to room temperature before use.

2) You can replace yogurt with baking powder and baking soda.

3) You can store Naan for 15 days

4) Toppings like Garlic, onion, cilantro can be done while rolling.

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